In the process of expanding my investment portfolio I learned that being listed as a smoker would cost me an estimated one million dollars in savings by age 75 for this particular policy. I told my friend offering the plan that I should just quit smoking anyways because that is a lot of money if you also figure in the escalating cost of cigarettes. He sarcastically told me, "I heard that not smoking prolongs your life as well." I laughed but that put things back into perspective for me. It isn't about money as much as it is about quality of life. No matter how long I may have on this earth I want to spend as much as I possibly can in a healthy state. I know I have said this before but I quit smoking. The last few times I tried to quit, I used nicorette gum but now I really believe that it made the cravings stronger because it was keeping nicotine in my system. This morning I woke up and realized that I hadn't smoked in over 24 hours and decided that I didn't want to smoke anymore. Part of it is because I want to get the policy I mentioned earlier and I don't want the chemicals in my system for the tests. The other part is health and vanity. I don't want old looking skin and wrinkles or to spend my last days with emphysema. I feel guilty doing something I know I am going to regret day after day. On my way back from a meeting, I stopped by to see my vitamitician to find out if there are supplements that would help. He recommended Holy Basil and offered up several tips because he smoked 2 packs a day for a 19 year period in his life and became a smoking cessation counselor after he quit. I haven't been into the store for some time but it is odd that I knew where to go when I was really serious about quitting. I have a lot of friends that quit cold turkey so that seems to be the best method.
Two people in my office smoke so watching them go out for breaks makes my chest tight and my vision blur. Gosh! I am such a pansy! I am going to take a few deep cleansing breaths because in 48 hours I won't have any nicotene in my system. Everything else is emotional and habitual.
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