I just received a mailed letter from my new roommate who is moving in tomorrow. Princess is far more than a roomy to me but a long-time friend and confidante. I am completely looking forward to our time together.
Her note said this: It is ok if you don't know what you're doing. No one else does either. At least you look better doing it. (I subtracted the personal girly stuff)
It reminds me of what I was told by a Junior High teacher with an extensive military background. She said, "If you don't know it. Fake it". I took it as the first step to anything I would ever accomplish. Only I knew what I was capable of even without the specific knowledge of how to get there.
While that may seem to be a false way to present ourselves to the world, isn't it also fair to say that if we choose to accomplish great things, sometimes we have to step outside of our comfort zones therefore presenting a "not so official" persona in order to reach the level that we desire?
Essentially, who are we? We are everything and so much more! Our past is only one part that too many people may spend too much time dealing with to realize the beauty of this particular moment. There also those of us that spend most of our time thinking so many steps ahead in strategy that there is no room for the moment.
What I have found is that I fall into all categories. Another dear friend of mine, shared with me the philosopy that nothing exists outside of this particular moment. How profound is that? Please Read:
Ponder This:
If you could shed all of your personal past because at this point it is only a vision. A mere recollection of what WAS that cannot necessarily be proved or disproved..
You clearly have no proof of what will occur in the future simply based on your strategy alone especially considering that there could be hundreds or even thousands of factors working against you and even possibly for you in an even more profound direction....
If all you had was reading this blog in this moment, or even the breath that you just inhaled, in your heart, what would make you feel complete? What would you consider this the most valuable use of your essence? And by essence I mean everything within you that supercedes mind, heart, and body. Essence is a part of every facet of your being, and the soul within.
How far away are you from the last statement? Are your faking, in an attempt to find your hoped for reality or are you seeking the essence of your life that will never forsake you or leave you?
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