Friends, I have spent the last year arduously reviewing a number of the latest solutions for skin and hair care for this Profashional Makeup Review and I have been eagerly awaiting posting the results.
I am going to cover a series of topics so expect this to be a lengthy post but after many years in the industry coupled with my understanding of well-being, this will likely be a comprehensive and hopefully useful tool for entering the new year with added confidence. Simplified.
My goal is to augment your knowledge concerning the proper nutrition, fitness and topical care regimens that we are all inclined to evaluate as we are inundated with commercial ad campaigns. If you are like me, you want to feel your best as well as look your best. You want your makeup to look fresh, your hair to be enticingly touchable, and your physique to be mostly swimsuit ready by March. Let's face it, we aren't all going to be in a swimsuit calendar! Probably less than .0001 of the population ever has; yet, you want to feel that you are maintaining your POSITIVE self image from your point of view and are willing to take action NOW because it is a NEW YEAR and possibly a NEW YOU.
Over the years, many of my posts have been designed with the intent of creating inspiration. This topic could seem trivial but honestly, I am not always inspired. As a woman, my "CONFIDENCE MOTIVATORS" are sometimes the "after market add-ons" that I need for inspiration when I perceive myself to be unappreciated and therefore, unattractive. This is an unfortunate dilemma, but it is what it is, and that is why the industry is so massive and why we can become victims via our impulsive nature to improve and please.
That being said, my impulsive and impatient nature will be WORKING FOR YOU. It is my pleasure to introduce my favorites over the last year. It is important to add that the majority of products selected are department store brands or available through Sephora. They are slightly more expensive but they offer sample sizes as well as the opportunity to test colors prior to purchase; however, I did not neglect some of the new formulas intoduced by several manufacturers that are available in drugstores.
*unless you count me and the kitten dipping her paws in everything, none of my testing was done on animals*
The Basics:
Health comes from within. Our bodies require proper nutrition to function. Most of what is visible regarding our skin and hair is a direct result of our vitamin and mineral intake. It goes without saying that improper nutrition, dehydration, and stress have a devaluating affect on any topical treatment. It is my belief that money spent on skincare and surgery will never replace strict dietary and supplemental regimens. Strict is a harsh word but as much as we know not to go to bed with our makeup on, we also need to know that we can't go through the day without our vitamins. That is as unacceptable as forgetting to brush your teeth now and again. You are never too tired to take a few pills at lunch or around any other meal. Vow today to always take your calcium without fail as well as Omega's and B, and of course we all need our C, A, and E...It is at this point, before you go out and buy hundreds of dollars worth of supplements that I advise you to consider Dr. Perricone, M.D. who also has an incredible book which I have read, entitled The Clear Skin Prescription.
Perricone vitamins are expensive but very well-studied. In all of my research, I would support everything he states but I also have a proven product that is 1/5 of the cost if you can find a Great Earth store near you and purchase one of their Daily Nutritional Supplement Programs in a box and Carlson Fish Oil (no fishy taste, I promise). Personally, I like both but because I am small, the latter can be overpowering with a one dose intake whereas, the Perricone program is 3 doses daily. To get the most for my money I take 2 sets of packets/day but make sure that my meals supplement at least one dose. If you follow the instructions in his book, that is relatively easy. Dr. Perricone offers a plethora of great medical advice regarding proper nutrition, how one's skin is affected by our diet as well as powerful menu-ready remedies and even yoga exercises.
When I tried the Perricone formula it was after years of debate, simply because it is nearly as expensive as many of the brands I would purchase at a store like Neiman Marcus (you can now purchase Perricone through Neiman Marcus, Sephora or, the Perricone website listed above) but it finally dawned on me that it is a FORMULA that includes nutrition as well as topical care, which I have realized is far beyond the Cosmetic Industry jargon which may have little basis in reality. I always did the nutrition part on my own, valuing research on B, E, C, Omegas, CoQ10, and Alpha-Lipo Acids. For at least 15 years, I have been taking these supplements independantly but I also started wearing sun screen nearly 20 years ago at age 16. Clientele was probably the first department store brand that included supplements as the integral part of the skin care regimen and that is where I learned how valuable vitamins were because I already worked for a major cosmetic company sold in only the finest department stores. Even with the free products, I secretly went to another store and PURCHASED the products/vitamins I knew weilded better skin.
Clientele was the beginnining but now that I have really been utilizing the Perricone products and vitamins, there are only 5 topical products that I will keep on my list of must have's in conjuntion with Perricone Products.
My other skin care products in order of appearance on the "if I got stranded on a desert island" list:
Ultima II Glotion: I have used this product since 1995. It has an SPF factor of 25 and is heavy enough to withstand sun, sea, and pool. I can wear this on my face from morning until night and NEVER worry about a sunburn even in Mexico. The color is very irridescant and matches every skin tone so even if my body is much darker than my face, I always still look great and I have this amazing protection. I can't rave enough about this product. It looks wonderful under makeup or alone while also acting as a quality moisturizer. If I got stranded on a desert island. This is the product I would choose.
Sisley Emulsion Ecologique: This is the most perfect primer between toning and moisturizing. I have used this for at least 5 years and every attempt to eliminate it because of the price has made me realize that although I could remove this from my budget, I find that it truly enhances the benefits of all of my other skincare purchases. When I did a cost analysis, I found that the $190.00 4.2oz bottle delivers skincare delight at approximately sixteen dollars per month. I can live with that. Seek a sample. You will not be disappointed.
Shea Butter: I love that NUT! I never leave my house without the straight shea butter on every inch of my body. I do not have any medical proof or research to support this claim but if you emulsify solid shea butter and rub it into your skin right after the shower, you will have notably softer skin. People will comment on it if they happen to brush past your shoulder. I have also found that I never, ever get a sunburn while wearing this under my sunscreen.
Peter Thomas Roth Power K Eye Rescue: Not only does it have my favorite vitamins, it really works. When I found this at a spa I was travelling quite a bit and this eye treatment definitely came to the rescue even though I had several products in my carry-all. If you find yourself in airports, airplanes and dry air hotel rooms, slather this all over your eye area and no one will know you ever left the comfort of your home.
Prada Lip Balm: As far as I can tell, this can only be purchased via the internet on various sites. Neiman Marcus seems to be phasing out a very wonderful skincare line packaged for simplicity and the travel conscious. Now that we can only travel with small sizes, and in small clear bags, it would seem that the industry might need to get to the point that Prada initiated for the travel stealthy. Damn, I miss Prada Skincare! It Rocked!!! I want to post more but I am troubled that my lips are chapped. Only Prada lip balm can heal me. Lucky for you, dear reader, I can still type...
There are a few mechanical solutions that I recommend:
If there is one thing that I would tell everyone, even if you never read this blog again, please purchase a Sonicare toothbrush. I have personally had to have my teeth scaled which is a very expensive, uncomfortable, and timely procedure that can take a month or two on top of the fillings. Help prevent periodontal disease, which is actually highly hereditary, by purchasing the right brushing tools as well as flossing. You may never have a cavity but be predisposed to periodontal disease. This is extremely serious. My dentist recommended the Sonicare toothbrush and I have not had one cavity in 6 years since. Six month check-ups are definitely part of the New You, New Year Plan. Several studies have shown a direct link between oral and physical health. The commercially available rotating brushes are not the same. Buying Sonicare does require a small investment of just under 100 dollars. Buy refill heads at the same time and be sure to include the entire family on this purchase. You will save so much money in the long run. This is research that I wish I didn't have to include but it was a very powerful lesson.
On the subject of Sonicare, the Phillips company also developed a Clarisonic facial brush on the same technology. Back in the days when I did beauty pageants, my facial brush (manually operated with personally timed intervals) was my best friend. Now there is a a $195 sonically operated brush. I have spent a considerable amount of money for my reviews and decided to ask for this product for Christmas. I like it but is it the Cat's Meow? Not so much if you already have a good skin care regimen that is highly cleansing. Me? I like to cut corners and I have clogged pores around my nose. Upside: No clogged pores. Downside: Strikingly dry skin. It does feel rather invigorating though. I would ask for it again but I wouldn't buy it for myself. Kudos to me because I didn't buy it for a change.
Jonathan Beauty Water: If you ever wanted to feel truly clean and weren't quite sure where to begin...I have the perfect product for you: Jonathan's Shower Purification System. He had his BRAVO show and has been victimized quite a bit but I do have respect for the crying soul. Cutting hair for a living in Beverly Hills would probably tax my last nerve as well but clean and shiny hair always puts me in the mood to promote Jonathan's Greatest Product which is REVOLUTIONARY! Change the water; change the hair and the skin. I have a lot of faith in him but do what I did and purchase a few replacement filters for your shower purification system because he could retire and the quality could change and as far as I can tell, there isn't anything else quite as affordable on the market. The filter works and it is easy to attach. You WILL be pleased with the results.
I have spent in excess of 600 dollars on testing the newest flat irons/hair straighteners. Some will help dry your hair as it straightens it and others treat the ends of the hair with steam. Take my advice and stick to a CHI Ceramic straightener that has been pre-heated for about a half an hour and use it on conditioned but dry hair. You can usually purchase this from your salon but if your stylist is proud of his or her creation, they will go to the trouble of purchasing the more expensive items at wholesale on your behalf especially if you have been a long-time client, provide referrals, and tip well. All of which are par for the course if you are happy with your stylist. This is the ULTIMATE 2 WAY STREET!
Guys have it a little easier but, as women, we can't pop in anywhere on a whim and expect to be happy when we leave. The person weilding the scissors has to know you and like you. IF you ever walk in the door of a salon, and do not have an immediate chemistry with the person who will cut your hair which ultimately defines you until it grows out... RUN AWAY!! No exceptions. EVER!!!
Is it possible, did I nearly forget about my favorite subject? Foundation. I simply love the word. Fortunately, I have a few options which I intend to use throughout the year. We are all extremely lucky because this isn't our Granny's stuff. My advice is throw away all of your foundation and powder as you know it. I use these products combined and separatelydepending on the results I desire. What is nice is that the foundations are light enough that they can layer and be refreshed quite easily .
Replace the foundation concept with a nice balance of the following depending on yoour skin that day:
Trish McEvoy Pore refining oil control gel
Christian Diorskin Icone Photo perfect creme to powder makeup in transparent
Diorskin Airflash Spray foundation
Kevyn Aucoin Liquid Airbrush Foundation
Maybelline Pure Makeup
Comment or Email me with the Subject: Profashional so I can share with you the combinations that work best depending on your desired results and skin type.
This is already a rediculously long post so I will save my fitness recommendations for the another time.
Thanks for the great article! After I started using shae butter my pours look amazing! I was wondering if you have any recommendations for some natural hair care products?
Posted by: Jill | April 27, 2011 at 11:46 AM
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Posted by: Luidasana | October 14, 2010 at 09:28 AM
The more you fight something, the more anxious you become ---the more you're involved in a bad pattern, the more difficult it is to escape. Do you understand?
Posted by: New Balance Sneakers | August 02, 2010 at 07:30 PM
Your blogs are quite an inspiration..
Posted by: Makeup Review | June 21, 2010 at 01:35 AM
I need one of those professional services
Posted by: generic viagra | March 02, 2010 at 04:19 PM
It is good that your blog is constantly evolving. Such posts only added popularity.
Posted by: Spolborgolype | January 19, 2010 at 12:21 PM
Ironically, I posted this nearly 2 years ago. As you may have noticed 'Beverly Hills Dentist' (without an active website), times have changed. I thoroughly enjoyed writing that article. Although my budget doesn't allow for such extravagance to personally test multiple products for one purpose in this economy, I know that the research I did helped people buy a great product or two that suited their needs.
Posted by: Kytari | December 17, 2009 at 10:10 PM
The content of you're post tells that you are so vain. Thanks for sharing it.
Posted by: Beverly Hills Dentist | December 15, 2009 at 06:33 PM
Thanks for sharing so much beauty tips and all news and product reviews.
Posted by: Natural Cosmetics | August 12, 2009 at 01:51 AM
This is quite a comprehensive posting on the Profashional Makeup Review. It is very informative and makes an interesting read. :)
Posted by: Natural Cosmetics | May 21, 2009 at 05:58 AM
We must take a good care of our health which is at stake because of the environmental pollution.Taking enough vitamins and proper nutrition would be quite good.Have a healthy lifestyle.
Women,never use rotten facial makeup !
Posted by: Kristina | December 18, 2008 at 04:12 AM
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Posted by: vitamins | March 23, 2008 at 02:07 AM