One of my friends and I have had lengthy conversations regarding natural health including supplements as well as proper nutrition. His personal testimonial is that his stepmom had breast cancer. His father requested him to update their health benefits so that they could start the radiation and chemo. Billy offered a program based on the information below for his stepmom. By the time she returned to the oncologist to measure the size of the tumor growth post-op with the anticipation that she would be receiving treatment, there was nothing there. His blog adress is at the end of this email if you are interested in knowing more. This message is his opinion for your information only. I am not endorsing that any product or combination of products will prevent or cure disease.
Read his commentary based on research below:
BE HEALTHY.. this is a list i put together, and i wanted my entire family to see this and keep this.. print it out, whatever!!!! Eat APPLES, apple seeds, Apricots & Their Seeds, etc... Cures for Cancer, heart issues, Diabetes, artheritis and TONS TONS TONS of other things by eating and using these natural cures below (Billy V!) :
---RAW Apricot Seeds (has to be RAW) (as long as you’re are not allergic to almonds, etc) take 4-7 per day.
---Colloidal Silver (Super or Meso Silver Brands)
---Tiaga Tea Immune System Stimmulant - Boosts, on average an immune system 2,000% – 4,000%
---Green Tea (Organic) - We all know Benefits of Green tea - Refer to Below
---K2 Vitamins - Heart & Bone Health ((Bones are the factories for making your blood; important to have good bones))
---Hydrogen Peroxide & Aloe Vera Juice MIXTURE - Cures all kinds of topical (skin) issues.. known to cure prostate cancers as well.
---Allicin (this is derived from GARLIC, pill form) - Heart, digestive Track & Cardiovascular Health
---IndiumEase - The Mother of all Minerals is “indium” Indiumease; is a patented mixture of minerals (Anti-Aging and Other health Benefits)
---LIQUID Calcium/Magnesium Mixture/s (derived from PLANTS only!!!) that has Magnesium with it!!! - if you don’t want to get sick, you have to be intaking Magnesium
---LIQUID VITAMINS (cannot be in pill form, has to be liquid derived from plants for the body to assimilate)
---Cure for "Anti-Anxiety" Aminos (info below)
---Cut out your intake of FLUORIDE and ASPARTAME - used in water, gum, etc... CUT THEM OUT of your diets!!! Everyone should follow this.
---Natural Althernatives for Sugar & Sweetners that are safe and healthy! – info Below
---Prayer - Self explanatory – SPIRITUAL HEALTH is of UPMOST importance
Now I am going to give you some links for each to RESEARCH as well as Buy...
You can use GOOGLE and buy this stuff anywhere, but these are the sites that I like the most and the best products for your money.
you can google this... They have to be RAW.. .RAW RAW RAW.. cannot be cooked OR sundried; it takes out the natural "stuff" that is good for you. and search for "Buy Raw Apricot Seeds" or you can go to a local NATURAL FOOD MARKET and get some; like i do here, in Dallas, Texas. Again, make sure you are NOT allergic to nuts. I take 4-5 of these seeds per day… I go to ROY’s Natural Market.. It is at Forrest & Preston road/s..
To BUY i recommend these two sites: - THIS IS THE BEST PRODUCT
Both of those sites are good... One site calls their product MESO SILVER, the other calls theirs SUPER SILVER... Both the best on the market. Super Silver, in my opinion, is the best Silver Molecule available, on the market.. Meso is second… (MY OPINION)
You can also use and search for TIAGA Tea and research other sites, testimonials, etc...
I buy mine here at this site... Tiaga has 3 names: Tiaga Tea, Teaga Tea & Immune Tea just an "FYI"
Green Tea:
There are tons of sites with benefits of Green Tea. The FDA recently published information stating that they have no evidence of biological benefits. There is a lot of tests and articles about the benefits of it! A recent article read that having 4 cups of Green Tea per day, was extremely healthy for people, even a defense against Cancer. The FDA of course made a retraction comment, shortly after. (SHADY!) Just go to and type in anything along the lines of: green tea on cancer etc etc you will find tons of articles.. Think for yourselves; you do the research!!! J
Research: and you can click the link for "K2 and Heart Disease"
Buy: You can find several sites to buy K2 vitamins.. I buy mine at:
when you get to you can search for K2
You can buy these BOTH products at Wal Mart, Target, Wal Greens, etc... Aloe Vera Juice is made to DRINK; usually in the vitamin sections of stores... Hydrogen Peroxide is that BROWN bottle for like $1... this is a cheap remedy and is incredible for helping Arthiritis and other issues. Basically, Buy both products and you mix them (DO NOT DRINK if mixed!!!!!!) Mix: per 1 cup of ALOE VERA JUICE, mix HALF CUP of Hydrogen Peroxide.. use that scale... I use a spray bottle and spray this on my body for acne issues, scar issues, anti-aging properties, SUN BURNS, abrasions, cuts, Poinson Ivy, etc, athletes foot.. all kinds of stuff!!!! Even has been known to cure prostate cancers, etc if you soak your feet in the solution for 20 minutes or so, each day..... Amazing mixture! Using too much Hydrogen Peroxide for too many days or time per day can be hard on your heart & taking Vitamin E is recommended while using. I use it for when I need it and I never experience any problems.. Like everything; DON’t Over-use!! Listen to your body!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Again, if and ONCE you mix the Hydrogen Peroxide into the AloeVera Juice, you cannot drink it.. Hydrogen Peroxide is not meant to be drank! Topical use only.. has amazing Healing properties.
ALLICIN (a derivative of GARLIC) very good for your Heart, Digestive Tract (cleans out toxins) & CardioVascular Health.
I get mine at Vitamin Shoppe, a local store, here in Dallas. Some sites that I have found that you can buy it from:
There are other sites you can buy from.... use: and search for Allicin
INDIUM (brand: IndiumEase)
Buy: search for INDIUMEASE
Indium is the "mother of all Minerals" has amazing properties to this.
In order to be Healthy, people have got to be having a regular intake of LIQUID VITAMINS & MINERALS derived from PLANTS (LIVING THINGS), otherwise; you are dieing!!!
Research / Buy These:
you can research and buy these elsewhere too... If you have ORGANIC stores, you can find these... Some Health Stores have Liquid CALCIUM, Magnesium, Minerals & Vitamins. MAGNESIUM IS essential to NOT getting sick!!!! Calcium is VERY MUCH needed!!! has to be liquid... IN SHORT: if you are taking daily PILL vitamins derived from DEAD ROCKS, etc, your body only assimilates 1-3% (on average) (5% if lucky) of that and the rest is stored or kicked out of body... Sometimes even BUILDS UP (arteries for example)... So it is important to be taking in LIVING minerals & vitamins that come from PLANTS.. Your body can assimilate and use those and what it doesnt it can kick out and isnt stored or backed up... VERY IMPORTANT MESSAGE HERE.... You can get these at Natural health stores as well as online at places.
--- Magnesium With Calcium mixtures: you can buy these. The body needs a certain amount of Magnesium to assimilate right proportions of Calcium & vice-versa. You should Buy all 3 of the following:
--Buy Liquid Minerals
--Buy a Calcium & Magnesium Combo Suppliment
--Buy Liquid Vitamins
Here are some Links about alot of the above in which i have talked about... THERE IS SO MUCH MORE OUT THERE, but here are 3 links for you...
Natural ANTI-ANXIETY AMINOS: - we all know somebody with Anxiety issues.. Get rid of the pharmeceuticals and GO NATURAL!!! Take a look at this link
Here is a couple sites to register at and listen to: - You can also Write / call Dr. Deagle at this site, and he will call you back! he is AWESOME!!!! - awesome site!!! Talk about a lot of NATURAL NEWS; fluoride news, congress news on vitamins, etc... watch some videos on this site too... awesome stuff guys!
Asapartame news; - a lot of stuff in the news about this ASPARTAME lately guys.. Hawaii just banned aspartame from the entire state of Hawaii… and there are other countries banning it.. DO NOT DRINK IT.. it is causing TONS AND TONS of health problems. I urge all of you to research this and see what products it is in.. you cannot buy hardly any gum any more without aspartame in it… DIET SODAS have aspartame… GUM… artificial sweetners have it… artificial sweetners such as: sweet n low, etc.. splenda does not have aspartame but it is still Extremely BAD FOR you. You need to go organic or natural as much as possible.. With CODEX Allementarious right around the corner (Government program), it is going to be nearly impossible to even eat natural foods. Meaning MORE CANCER FOR YOU and more Diabetes and Arthritis and Heart, kidney, prostate, colon & brain problems.
Safe Sugar/Sweetner Alternatives: & Natural Sweetner derived from ORANGES
Stevia – another natural sweetner with biological benefits -
EXCERCISE and Cut out Fluoride and Aspartame:
There is a lot of talk on the news lately about those two products/poisons. Hawaii just banned ASPARTAME as of May, 2008
BUY NATURAL TOOTHPASTE AND MOUTHWASH: get rid of Fluoride! I get My Natural Mouthwash & Toothpaste (WITHOUT FLUORIDE) at Roys Natural Market, here in Dallas, Texas.. You should check your Natural Store/s in your area.. Otherwise you can buy products online. BIOTENE is a good mouthwase that I use, and my toothepaste is called TOMS. Just an FYI… If you live in Dallas, you have other Natural stores to shop at; WHOLE FOODS, etc.. Here is Roys Natural Market info though; also, Excercise is a vitamin (Vitamin E! haha)
-à if money is an issue for you, start by getting you some “COLLOIDAL SILVER.” I am going to start making it and so is my father, within the next week or so. I will be able to have it around, when they BAN it along with other minerals and vitamins. It will be known as ContraBand; possibly. You guys think this is crazy, but look at history and think about HITLER and WW2 and the Great Depression. This is not crazy talk, it is reality. You need to be taking care of yourselves and “EACHOTHER.” Which is why I am trying to study so much and learn and tell you guys about this stuff. I care about you. Focus on BEING HEALTHY; emotionally, spiritually & physically because they all work Hand-and-Hand, with eachother.
Other Substances that are good for you / Other Notes.
Research These:
-Noni Juices
-Goji Juices
-Fish Oils (Omegas)
-Colon / Body Cleanse program (helps prevent and stop Arthiritis)
Toxins building up in our waste system/s (colon) causes lots of problems!
-Fulvic Acids & folic acids
-Liquid Activated Zeolite (natural Cellular Defense) (Detoxification)
-Calcium Betonite Clay; oral & Topical Chelation (Detoxification)
-Watch / Read some things at my blogspot:
If you want to make your teeth healthy you should use:-
1. Baking soda
2. Strawberries
3. Orange peel
4. Avoid smoking
Posted by: Sore Throat Remedies | May 15, 2011 at 11:24 PM
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Posted by: free sms | April 15, 2011 at 01:49 PM
Calcium & magnesium balance each other in the body & are six of the most important minerals that humans require to survive. Calcium magnesium supplements basically merge calcium & magnesium for rapid & simple intake & absorption by the body.
Posted by: calcium magnesium | March 23, 2011 at 07:13 AM
Good site! I'll stay reading! Keep improving!.
Posted by: Natural Health Products for the healthy life | March 16, 2011 at 08:00 AM
I love your work. The various link and information are quite useful. Thanks for highlighting all the important stuff. I never knew seeds can be useful too. Keep sharing more health tips.
Posted by: PGX | December 28, 2010 at 11:05 PM
Sound commentary.I pense que votre droit, que est faussée par un public de gens qui ont entendu plus de pas que oui l'.
Posted by: cheap air jordan shoes | December 28, 2010 at 03:09 AM
After searching for fluoride-free toothpastes, I found one I love...
I found that while most of the so-called “natural” brands from the health food stores were fluoride-free, they all contained SLS (Sodium Laurel Sulfate...originally created as an engine degreaser and now used in shampoos, etc as a foaming agent).
Posted by: shamelshipman | October 09, 2008 at 09:56 AM
One can get lot of information about health & nutrition at one place from your post.
Posted by: Ansley | October 09, 2008 at 04:31 AM